Do you wish to reduce time to loan decision from couple of days to couple of hours or even minutes? Still collecting applicant’s data on papers? Are you using sticky notes for passing application files between departments and branches? Calculating disposable income using calculator? Creditinfo can help you with quality checks and validation rules and with connection to external data sources. Supporting you in taking right decisions. Inspiring confidence.
get in touchWe can help you with creating and modification of decision-making rules and processes, information evaluation, making scoring calculations, mapping and consolidating data from different information sources and a lot of other cool stuff.
What is the added value of automation?
Applications are processed in a matter of seconds assuming an automatic decision has been made.
Unified and clear evaluation criteria, reduces demands on underwriting.
Quick, affordable and flexible solution reducing operational costs.
Generates transparent processes with a detailed history.
Online validation ensures data quality.
All required documents are easy to keep and access.
No duplicate data entries, efficient resource management.
On-going support
Creditinfo’s global service desk supports users with all system issues and ensures the highest level of responsiveness for all system-related enquiries.
Shared administration
Presence of several system administrators guaranties continuity of operations.
Combined analytical and management reporting
Data is stored in an analytical database allowing to create and automate any suite of reports for purposes of managerial reporting, marketing and sales incentive structures.
Smart and neat design.
The Creditinfo Chronicle

Creditinfo and Esgrid Partner to Launch ESG Hub in the Baltics